Howdy, Autumn!
I sure do like your style!
I welcome you with open arms;
you've been gone for quite a while.

But now I feel your breezes
so cool upon my face,
and I can run and play with you;
you have a lively pace.

I love to tumble in your leaves
and throw them in the air.
Oh, your world is such a happy place
with awesome colors everywhere!

It's fun to rake a big ol' pile
and jump on them with glee,
'cause I can hear them crunching--
it seems they talk to me!

Dear Autumn, I know that you will linger
for just a little while,
but while you're here I'm filled with cheer
'cause you sure do make me smile!

Copyright © 2005 Ruth Gillis

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All poetry written by Ruth Gillis is copyrighted and may not be used in any way
without written permission from the author herself,
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If you would like to use my poetry for any purpose,
please email me for permission.