Forever, My Love

I see the wordless question in your eyes
As I embrace you in your final days.
My love, please rest in peace and realize
I’ll hold you deep within my heart always.
For nothing can erase the years we knew,
As hand in hand we sojourned through this life;
My heart, my very soul belongs to you,
And I could never be another’s wife.

Before you slip into the Great Divide,
My dearest one, I'd like for you to know
I'll keep a faithful vigil by your side,
And long to travel with you when you go.

Oh love, my life, forever I will care,
On earth and also when I join you There.

Copyright © 1995 Ruth Gillis

"Forever, My Love" received a First Place Award
in the September 1996 issue of RB'S Poets' viewpoint.

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All poetry written by Ruth Gillis is copyrighted and may not be used in any way
without written permission from the author herself,
whether it is found on this site or any other.
If you would like to use my poetry for any purpose,
please email me for permission.