Together Again

My children, when you come to visit here,
And bring a rose to lay upon my stone,
Come not in grief, don’t shed a single tear,
Because from you I have not really gone.
Be happy in your heart and look for me
In every gentle whisper of the wind,
For there upon its wings I’ll always be,
As memory recalls a loving friend.

Oh earthly time how fleeting is its face,
How rugged is the road you four must trod,
But when you reach the ending of your race,
You'll live in peace with Dad and me, and God.

My darling dears, remember with a smile,
And know we'll be together in a while.

Copyright © 1995 Ruth Gillis

"Together Again" received both the Editor's & Reader's
First Place Award in the July 1996 issue
of RB'S Poets' Viewpoint.
It also received a First Place Award in the
September/October 1997 issue of Poets At Work.


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All poetry written by Ruth Gillis is copyrighted and may not be used in any way
without written permission from the author herself,
whether it is found on this site or any other.
If you would like to use any of my poems for any purpose,
please email me and request permission.